Beacon FinTrain

Provides an array of professional business and financial training services that stem from improving a corporate's treasury workflow —all the way to efficient, finance training programs.

Course Overview

In the Credit Risk course participants will re-cap on key issues risk. Focusing on case study driven for the strategies of lenders like (5 CS of Credit, Debt Covenants and Disbursement monitoring)

For More Inquiries

Karim Shawki

Country Sales Manager


Karim Shawki

Country Sales Manager


Course Outcome

Identify Credit Risk.

Recognize Rating agencies process.

Define the key methodology to construct a formal internal risk-based credit rating process.

Categorize qualitative and quantitative assessment.

Define each characteristic in the 5 Cs of credit framework.

Course Outline

Topic 1: :Risk definition, Risk Types (Financial and Non-Financial)

Credit Risk overview.

Rating agencies rating grades and process.

Internal rating-based system.

Credit Risk modeling (Scoring system).

Topic 2: :5 Cs of Credit

The 5 Cs (Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, and Conditions).

5 Cs impact on pricing, loan structure risk mitigation.

5 Cs collectively and balance.

Topic 3: :Loan Covenants

Covenants definitions.

Types of covenants.

Calculations of financial covenants.

Topic 4: :Account Monitoring and Warning Signs

Factors of distressed assets.

Potential actions and reactions.

Capital structure evaluation and potential recovery rates.

Securitization and risk transfer.

Topic 5: :Excepted credit loss


Rating transition matrix.

Expected Credit Loss, Probability of Default, Loss Given Default and Exposure at Default.

Who Should Attend

Risk Officers and

Loans Officer and analysts.

Credit Portfolio

Corporate &
Retail Credit Officers and analysts.

Risk management
