Beacon FinTrain

Provides an array of professional business and financial training services that stem from improving a corporate's treasury workflow —all the way to efficient, finance training programs.

Course Overview

IFRS 9 follows a logical, principles-based approach to the measurement of financial assets based on the structure of the business model and the nature of cash flows. The forward-looking impairment model urges timely recognition, and continuous assessment of credit losses. The hedge accounting requirements are principles-based and aligned to common risk management practices.

This course provides an in-depth analysis of principles in IFRS 9. The course has numerous examples and illustrations to explain the business model and cash flow characteristics test for the classification of financial assets, amortized cost and fair value measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities, de-recognition of financial assets (retained servicing, continuing involvement, etc.), hands-on knowledge on calculating of expected credit losses (ECL), and the accounting and implications of using different types of hedges on financial statements.    

For More Inquiries

Karim Shawki

Country Sales Manager


Karim Shawki

Country Sales Manager


Course Outcome

Apply the principles for classification, measurement, and initial recognition of financial assets

Apply the expected credit loss (ECL) model and calculate impairment losses for financial assets

Compute the effective interest rate and apply the effective interest method for the measurement of financial instruments at amortized cost

Understand the principles of fair value measurement in IFRS 13

Apply the derecognition principles to financial assets and financial liabilities

Course Outline

Accounting for Financial Instruments :Main changes from IAS 39
IFRS 9 vs IAS 39
Decision tree
Main categories
IAS 32 – Presentation of liabilities and equity
Liability or equity?
Accounting for Financial Instruments :Classification and measurement of financial assets- Debt instruments

Financial assets

Financial liabilities

Example of categories disclosure

Presentation of FI categories

Equity – FVOCI

Debt – FVOCI

Recycled vs Non recycled concept

Financial Asset at amortized cost

Financial Asset at Fair Value

Accounting for assets reclassification

Business Model Assessment

Application of Business Model

Contractual Cash Flows (SPPI)


Entity’s own risk (OCI vs P&L)

Objective of the IFRS 9 impairment model

Key Definitions

Accounting for Financial Instruments :IFRS 9 Expected credit loss model -ECL

ECL VS incurred


ECL different approaches

ECL General Model

Inputs into ECL

Illustrative example:

PD approach

provision matrix

Measurement of ECLs

Measuring expected credit losses

Defining and measuring 12-month

   and lifetime ECL

Measuring ECL

Movement in loss allowance

Movement in loss allowance Cont’d

Impairment requirements

Calculating interest under IFRS 9 ECL

General approach vs credit adjusted approach

Significant increase in credit risk

Assessing significant increases in credit risk - Lifetime ECL

Example of significant increase in credit risk

ECL disclosure example

ECL and rebuttable presumption

Accounting for Financial Instruments :Comparative Financial Statements Hedging

What is hedge accounting?

Hedge accounting IAS 39 requirements

Types of hedge accounting

Fair value hedge accounting

Cash flow hedge accounting

Net investment in foreign operation

Who Should Attend


of Finance

Finance Officers




