Beacon FinTrain

Provides an array of professional business and financial training services that stem from improving a corporate's treasury workflow —all the way to efficient, finance training programs.

Course Overview

Fund Transfer Pricing (FTP) and Asset Liability Management (ALM) are fundamental concepts in the field of financial management. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of these essential banking practices and their critical role in the effective management of financial institutions. Participants will delve into the principles, methods, and applications of FTP and ALM to make informed financial decisions, optimize asset and liability management, and enhance the overall performance of financial organizations.

For More Inquiries

Jihad Hassan

Financial Learning Advisor TL


Jihad Hassan

Financial Learning Advisor TL


Course Outcome

Discuss an essential domain in bank management.

Define the transfer price for all risk classes.

Define cost accounting and allocation

Explain the Transfer Pricing concept and be able to enhance their role in the ALM and/ or MIS activities of the banks.

Course Outline

ALM Foundation :ALM Foundation


  •     ALM framework and organization
  •     Product characteristics
  •    The YC as a price benchmark


A. Sources and effects of IRR
B. General compliance (Basel 4) constraints
C. Profit sensitivity models
Repricing gap
New Basel Model constraints
D. Value sensitivity models
Average Life v. Duration
Applying the Duration approach (equity sensitivity, limits, compliance)
E. Statistical models: Value at Risk (VaR) Sources
Liquidity  Risk

A. General Aspects of Liquidity Risks and Definitions

B. Risk quantification models
Maturity gap
Traditional liquidity ratios v. Basel 3 Ratios (LCR & NSFR)
Central Bank RRR

C. Liquidity Management Strategies

3.Case Study
A. From a simplified financial statement, calculate:
  •    The IRRBB sensitivity of the bank
  •    The liquidity sensitivities of the bank
  •    Compare to strategy limits
  •     Define risk management strategies
FTP Session :FTP Session


A. Overview of Financial Product Pricing variables and related policies and strategies

B. A pricing exercise

C. Cost Accounting: Decomposition of product profitability into:

Operational cost allocation (Cost Allocation)
        o What are cost accounting and cost allocation
        o The reasons for and uses of cost transfer pricing
        o Examples for (1) profitability analysis, (2) pricing  analysis
Financial Risk cost allocations (FTP)
The central role of ALM in Financial transfer pricing
Fund Transfer pricing or Risk Transfer Pricing (FTP or RTP) in Banking
Objectives and scope of Risk Transfer pricing
Case Study MCB
Cost Allocation: mythologies
A. Scope and cost allocation approaches
B. Traditional cost apportionment
C. Activity-Based Costing
D. Cost Allocation Case Study
Risk Transfer Pricing Principles :Risk Transfer Pricing Principles

Interest Rate Risk (IRR) Transfer Pricing

A. IRR costing and management principles
B. Exercise: implementing the main FTP models

Credit Transfer Pricing

A. Credit risk costing and management principles

B. Risk Rating, Probability of Default, and Expected Loss calculations

Who Should Attend

staff that are involved in:

use and/or calculations of transfer pricing,

defining and using product pricing,

profitability and performance analysis,

and management accounting


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