FMI - Financial Modeling Institute

The FMI was established by The Marquee Group in collaboration with the Financial Modeling World Championships. The Marquee Group is a leading global provider of financial modeling training and consulting. Since 2012, the Financial Modeling World Championships is the world’s largest professional competition for Microsoft Excel, Financial Analysis, Investment Analysis, and Financial Modeling with a community of over 10,000 professionals and students. We recognized the skills shortage and the need for a universal, credible, accurate, and high-quality technical certification program for financial modeling. FMI collaborates with global experts and thought leaders in the field who are committed to promoting best practices, reducing risk, and improving standardization in the financial modeling profession. The FMI celebrates financial modelers across the world and our certification exams improve global skills in financial modeling.

Course Overview

For AFM accreditation holders who want to validate their more sophisticated modeling abilities. They showcase their problem-solving and creativity in the face of complex problems. This exam is the only accreditation founded on real-world financial modeling challenges.

The first level of the FMI certification program, the Advanced Financial Modeler (AFM) exam, tested a candidate’s ability to create an integrated, three-statement financial model of a company in a controlled environment with no resources, in under four hours. Financial modeling proficiency requires both skill and speed and the AFM exam required candidates to demonstrate both of these traits in order to have successfully passed the exam. The Level 2: CFM exam builds on the topics covered in the AFM exam, but tests a candidate’s ability to quickly and efficiently solve problems and to create modeling solutions for more in-depth and complex corporate finance situations.

For More Inquiries

Shady Gamal Zaki

Business Development Assistant Manager


Shady Gamal Zaki

Business Development Assistant Manager


Course Outcome

Create a detailed revenue schedule that incorporates some or all of the revenues issues.

Build a cost schedule that integrates some or all of the operating and non-operating costs.

Create a simple depreciation schedule to calculate the straight-line depreciation expense for a company.

Formulate a working capital schedule that incorporates some or all of the working capital issues.

Build a tax schedule that contains some or all of the income tax issues.

Course Outline

Topic 1 :Revenues
  • Divisional Allocations
  • Roll up all into a corporate level
  • Automate divisions/switching capability
  • Product, location, actual store Aggregate summary stats/KPIs
  • Revenue optimization, periodical allocation
  • Seasonality
  • Timing and flexibility
  • Geography
  • Currency
  • Capacity Constraints
  • Operational Changes
  • Contingent Revenue
Topic 2 :Operating and Non- Operating Costs
  • Economics of Scale
  • Multi-currency Costing
  • Semi-variable Costs
Topic 3 :Capital Expenditures and Depreciation
  • Different Methodologies
  • Purchases and Disposals
  • Fully Depreciating Assets
Topic 4 :Working Capital
  • Inventory Continuity Schedule
  • Monthly or Quarterly Working Capital
Topic 5 :Income Tax
  • Tax Losses
  • Tax Loss Continuity Schedule
  • Multiple Jurisdictions
  • Effective Tax Rates

Who Should Attend

The CFM exam is the second of
three levels of modeling certifications offered by the Financial Modeling
Institute.Only people who have passed the
Level 1: Advanced Financial Modeler (AFM) exam are eligible to write the Level
2: CFM exam.
