Beacon FinTrain

Provides an array of professional business and financial training services that stem from improving a corporate's treasury workflow —all the way to efficient, finance training programs.

Course Overview

This course designed to equip the participant with the required knowledge and skills to be able to identify all types of fraud as well as learn the responsibilities of bank employees in dealing with cases of fraud and forgery and how to protect the bank, its customers, and themselves from being targeted by fraudsters, supported with the latest fraud trends and live cases.

For More Inquiries

Karim Shawki

Country Sales Manager


Karim Shawki

Country Sales Manager


Course Outcome

Define fraud & Fraud Classifications.

List The Fraudster Personal Characteristics and their Victims.

Identify Common Fraud types & Banking fraud terminology.

Recognize White - collar crimes.

Understand the impact of Fraud & its Consequence.

Course Outline

Topic 1: :Introduction to Fraud

Definition of the fraud 

Fraud Classifications 

Internal Fraud.

External Fraud.


Topic 2: :The Fraudster Personal Characteristics and their Victims.

Who is the fraudster & His Personal Characteristics?

How does a fraudster approach you? 

Topic 3: :Common Fraud types & Banking fraud terminology.

Documentation Fraud & Forgery:

The definition of the national ID card and their Characteristic.

Forged checks.

Forged HR letters.

Forged Bank Statement.

Fabricated Signatures & documents. 

Cards & ATM Fraud:

Lost/ Stolen Fraud.

Card Not present (CNP).

Counterfeit Cards.

Skimming Fraud.

ATM Fraud.

Digital Fraud: 

Social Engineering.

Phishing (Business Email Compromise).

Vishing (Voice Phishing).

Smishing (SMS Phishing).

Identity Theft. 

Topic 4: :White - collar crimes:

Fraud triangle.

Accounts Takeover (ATO).





Topic 5: :The Impact and Consequence of Fraud

The latest Fraud Trend, Live cases & lessons Learned. 

Fraud detection and prevention & Behavioral red flags. 

Be Inquisitive.

Behavioral red flags.

What should we do if we suspected Fraud? 

Who Should Attend

·  All junior career levels of banking sector can participate in the program.
