ACI FMA - Financial Markets Association

ACI Financial Markets Association is a leading global trade association representing the interests of the professional financial markets community. Established in 1955, ACI is focused on enhancing best market practices and supporting market participants to adhere to principles of ethical conduct. The ACI Model Code was acknowledged as the first industry-wide Code of Conduct for OTC/FX and related markets having been built on the original ACI Codes of Conduct from the 1970s. Updated subsequently to embrace the broader OTC community - and expanded from the dealing floor through to back-office operations - the ACI Model Code strongly influenced many national Codes of Conduct and was retired in 2017 with the publication of the FX Global Code, the composition of which ACI participated in, along with various other Code of Conduct initiatives.

Course Overview

The ACI Dealing Certificate New Version Exam has been designed to cover the basic competence skills for the new entrants in dealing floors and all other financial markets roles related to foreign exchange, interest rates and commodities instruments. The Syllabus has been built to allow basic understanding of these instruments and the related financial markets segments, therefore' providing the required competence level for existing or future financial markets professionals. The Syllabus and the respective exam have been redesigned with five topics covering the full range of foreign exchange, interest rates and commodities instruments, as well as their related markets with questions based on theory and practical knowledge, in addition to financial markets environment and applications with questions based on theory. Building upon the competence skills provided by the ACI Dealing Certificate New Version, future financial market professionals will be expected to prove their knowledge and adherence to good market practices embedded in the FX Global Code and other relevant industry's Codes. 

For More Inquiries

Shady Gamal Zaki

Business Development Assistant Manager


Shady Gamal Zaki

Business Development Assistant Manager


Course Outcome

Define financial markets and explain their main functions for the economy.

Define foreign-exchange markets, money markets, capital markets and commodities markets.

Describe how the main economic agents can impact financial markets.

Outline how financial markets can be segmented under different criteria: term to maturity, product phase (primary and secondary), trade dates and settlement dates, location and regulation, and dealing structures.

Identify the various types of regulated markets and their dealing structures.

Course Outline

Topic 1 :Financial Markets Environment

The overall objective of this topic is for candidates to understand the functions performed by financial markets in the economy and to explain its different segments, their scope and instruments. Candidates will be able to understand the basic concepts of efficient markets and the impact of regulation and codes in financial markets. Referring to the life cycle of a typical financial market transaction, candidates will be able to explain its main phases.

Topic 2 :Foreign Exchange

The overall objective of this topic is for candidates to understand and to be able to explain basic foreign exchange rate quotations, their terminology, mechanics and the principal risks associated with FX spot and forward instruments. At the end of this section, candidates will be able to define the relationship between forward rates and interest rates, explain the use of FX outright forwards for foreign currency risk management and the use of FX swaps in rolling spot positions, hedging FX outright forwards, and in creating synthetic foreign currency assets and liabilities. Candidates will be required to perform basic calculations for FX market instruments. The candidates will be able to describe NDFS and, explain their rationale. Candidates will be able to understand and identify quotations for precious metals, and also demonstrate a basic understanding of the structure and operation of precious metals` financial markets.

Topic 3 :Rates

The overall objective of this topic is for candidates to understand the principles of the time value of money, the function of the interest rates markets, the characteristics of the main types of money market instruments and interest rate capital markets instruments, as well as how they satisfy the requirements of different types of borrowers and lenders. Candidates will need to be able to calculate short-term interest rates and to perform standard calculations using quoted prices. Candidates will understand the basic characteristics and applications of a forward curve and of a yield curve and will be required to calculate them. At the end of this topic candidates need to be able to understand and outline the main features of bonds, particularly how they can be structured, priced and used as a key element in repo markets. Given the greater inherent complexity of repo instruments, candidates are required to be able to explain and calculate repo instruments issues and problems.

Topic 4 :FICC Derivatives

The overall objective of this topic is for candidates to understand how derivatives work and their function in financial markets. Candidates will be able to describe the mechanics of currency derivatives, how to use them and the fundamentals of currency options. Candidates will be able to identify basic currency option products and understand their purpose. Candidates will be able to describe the mechanics of interest rate derivatives, how to use them and the fundamentals of interest rate options. Candidates will be able to identify basic interest rate option products and understand their purpose. The candidates need to be able to perform basic calculations referring to the derivatives products included in the Syllabus.

Topic 5 :Financial Markets Applications

The overall objective of this topic if for candidates to understand the importance that risk has in defining the financial institutions› business models and to understand the relevance of effective risk management framework as a key driver for sustainability of the business. Candidates will understand and be able to explain and identify major risk groups: market, credit, liquidity, operational, legal, regulatory and reputational risk; and to understand the significance of risk groups for different financial markets› businesses and organizational units. Candidates are expected to outline the methods and procedures needed to measure and manage these risk types. Candidates will be required to outline the framework for Asset and Liability Management as an integrated balance sheet and risk management concept and to understand the importance of the Basel Accords for risk management issues.

ACI Dealing Certificate Calendar

Date Tenure Modality Venue CHr
05 May 1 Month Virtual-English Zoom 40

Who Should Attend

Recent entrants and junior dealers (0-24 months experience) in the dealing room
Middle office and operations personnel
Compliance and risk officers


The ACI Dealing Certificate Exam can be taken up as many times as you like until you have successfully passed it, but you must pay the exam fee each time!
The overall pass level is 60% (54 correct answers), presuming that the minimum score criteria for each of the topic baskets are met.Grades: Pass 60% – 69.99 %Merit 70 – 79.99%Distinction 80% and above
Yes, you are allowed a calculator.  Most ‘normal’ calculators are acceptable – it should be either a Hewlett Packard HP12C, HP17B or HP19B, or any other hand-held calculator which is not text-programmable.  In addition, a ‘Windows’ calculator is available on the computer screen while you are taking the exam.
Yes, you are allowed official ACI formula sheets.  The formula sheets should be provided by the testing center on arrival. In addition, the formula sheets are available on the computer screen while you are taking the exam.
No, it is not necessary for you to be a member to take the exam. This exam is open for everyone.
